News and Events > Israel Dot NET Developers User Group (IDNDUG) December 22nd meeting
Israel Dot NET Developers User Group (IDNDUG) December 22nd meeting
Microsoft Facilities, Hapnina 2, Ra'anana
All of us play games. Some games are very complex (e.g. Hallo, Call of Duty, etc.) and some are not. Even though the game creation seems like a very complex task, with Unity3D and C# it’s not that hard. In order to demonstrate that every developer can be a game developer, we’ll do the unthinkable – we’ll create a game from scratch. You will be able to influence some of game elements. But be aware, after this there won’t be any excuse not to write games. But, it’s not just about games. Experience in Unity 3D brings you straight to the device of the century - HoloLens. And there will be some examples